Get a sneak peek into how we're reimagining the way children are raised

Get a sneak peek into how we're reimagining the way children are raised

Moonshot Vision

Creating a world where each child can reach their full potential and blossom into the person they came to be.

Creating a world where each child can reach their full potential and blossom into the person they came to be.

Creating a world where each child can reach their full potential and blossom into the person they came to be.

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Our vision is to create a world where each child can reach their full potential

Parents of children, ages 0-5, face overwhelming amounts of conflicting advice, making it difficult to support their child's unique development during this critical stage. Traditional approaches lack the personalized guidance and fail to recognize the rapidly evolving and individual needs of both the child and the supportive network around them. This highlights the urgent need for personalized, adaptive tools to create environments where every child can blossom.

Our vision is to create a world where each child can reach their full potential

Parents of children, ages 0-5, face overwhelming amounts of conflicting advice, making it difficult to support their child's unique development during this critical stage. Traditional approaches lack the personalized guidance and fail to recognize the rapidly evolving and individual needs of both the child and the supportive network around them. This highlights the urgent need for personalized, adaptive tools to create environments where every child can blossom.

Our vision is to create a world where each child can reach their full potential

Parents of children, ages 0-5, face overwhelming amounts of conflicting advice, making it difficult to support their child's unique development during this critical stage. Traditional approaches lack the personalized guidance and fail to recognize the rapidly evolving and individual needs of both the child and the supportive network around them. This highlights the urgent need for personalized, adaptive tools to create environments where every child can blossom.

Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI)

Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI)

1BLOSM is developing the Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI) that fully supports the child’s blossoming journey. Cora, our AI Companion within ABI, is designed to guide the parents, childcare teachers and other community members (e.g. pediatrician) to help the child to thrive. The ABI serves as an overall “oracle” that properly coordinates (not siloed) all the adults in helping the child to blossom.

Moreover, the ABI platform leverages the continuous feedback and fine tuning of the appropriate multi-modal GenAI models to make Cora smarter and more personable over time. Cora’s objectives are to nurture both the adults and child, to proactively manage responsibilities, and to promote the deeper self-awareness essential for connection, growth & blossoming to the child’s fullest potential.

Phase 1: Parents

Phase 2: Teachers

Phase 3: Community

First Principles

First Principles

"With first principles, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths... and then reason up from there."

– Elon Musk

"With first principles, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths... and then reason up from there."

– Elon Musk

The following set of first principles guide our every action and decision. They are the bedrock upon which we build our strategies, develop our products, and foster our relationships with our users.

The following set of first principles guide our every action and decision. They are the bedrock upon which we build our strategies, develop our products, and foster our relationships with our users.

Full Human Potential

Full Human Potential

Full Human Potential

Child First, Child Centric

Child First, Child Centric

Child First, Child Centric




More In-Person Engagement

More In-Person Engagement

More In-Person Engagement

Trust via Transparency

Trust via Transparency

Trust via Transparency

Our Collaborators

Our Collaborators

Meet Cora

Your guiding star AI companion.

Meet Cora

Your guiding star AI companion.

Meet Cora

Your guiding star AI companion.