"With first principles, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths... and then reason up from there."

– Elon Musk

First Princples

"With first principles, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths... and then reason up from there." – Elon Musk

The following set of first principles guide our every action and decision. They are the bedrock upon which we build our strategies, develop our products, and foster our relationships with our users.


Full Human Potential

Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account.

Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account.

Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account.


Child First, Child Centric

Most contemporary child raising guides are created for the adults. To help each child to blossom, we must start with the child first. Children are born natural learners. Evolutionary biology shows us that the adult’s role is not to “teach” but to understand how children learn and provide a safe environment for children to learn and explore.

Most contemporary child raising guides are created for the adults. To help each child to blossom, we must start with the child first. Children are born natural learners. Evolutionary biology shows us that the adult’s role is not to “teach” but to understand how children learn and provide a safe environment for children to learn and explore.

Most contemporary child raising guides are created for the adults. To help each child to blossom, we must start with the child first. Children are born natural learners. Evolutionary biology shows us that the adult’s role is not to “teach” but to understand how children learn and provide a safe environment for children to learn and explore.



Every child is unique, with their own development needs, interests, and ways of learning. To truly nurture each child's potential, it is essential to personalize and coordinate each child’s blossoming journey, to be supported by Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI).

Every child is unique, with their own development needs, interests, and ways of learning. To truly nurture each child's potential, it is essential to personalize and coordinate each child’s blossoming journey, to be supported by Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI).

Every child is unique, with their own development needs, interests, and ways of learning. To truly nurture each child's potential, it is essential to personalize and coordinate each child’s blossoming journey, to be supported by Artificial Blosm Intelligence (ABI).


More In-Person Engagement

Design AI technology to help parents and educators, the adults who care for the children, to have more direct engagement with the children, not less.

Design AI technology to help parents and educators, the adults who care for the children, to have more direct engagement with the children, not less.

Design AI technology to help parents and educators, the adults who care for the children, to have more direct engagement with the children, not less.


Trust via Transparency

In order to build trust with the users, it is crucial to maintain transparency about the AI’s capabilities, limitations, and the data it collects.

In order to build trust with the users, it is crucial to maintain transparency about the AI’s capabilities, limitations, and the data it collects.

In order to build trust with the users, it is crucial to maintain transparency about the AI’s capabilities, limitations, and the data it collects.